Display Name: S k e m o
Slayer XP: 25,293,625
Total Level: 2261
Do you meet all of our entry requirements: Yes
How did you find out about SlayStars: My friend (Stortford)
What are your current and future goals in RuneScape: Currently I am working on maxing and getting BiS gear. Super close to maxing now.
How often do you play: 3-6 hours a day usually.
Do you agree to join our Discord server (Rule #17): Yes
Why do you want to join SlayStars: I'm looking for a high tier PVM clan who will hopefully accept me so I can meet new people and make new friends. Basically I am looking for a group of people who love what I love which is Slayer/Bossing.
Why should we accept your application: I am a down to earth, funny and honest lad. I get on well with others and love a good laugh. I can be serious when I need to be and understand people without fail. I would make a great asset to the clan and will do my best to attend most of the events in the future. I cant wait to hear back from you.
Previous clans - Reasons for leaving: N/A
02-Jun-2020 18:45:55