Display Name: j o s hua
Slayer XP: 15,394,047
Total Level:2252
Do you meet all of our entry requirements: yes
What are your current and future goals in RuneScape: max by mid april
How often do you play: 5 hours most days
Do you agree to join our Discord server (Rule #17):yes
Why do you want to join SlayStars: great ranking system and people
Previous clans - Reasons for leaving: slaystars , I was kicked a while ago for being toxic towards another member, and I fully understand why. It was an immature thing to do, and does not represent truly what I stand for.
I've learned my lesson and I want to apologize. I really like this clan, what it stands for and the members in the clan. I was caught at a bad time (personal reasons) and let that affect my judgment on how to behave as a clan-member. I hope the apology has been accepted and that I will be let back in.
Kind regards,
25-Mar-2019 12:11:00