Display Name: Folk Tails | Jeff Back (I mostly play on my maxed 75/75 med, Folk Tails, nowadays)
Slayer XP: 13,038,428 (Folk Tails) + 13,267,885 (Jeff Back) , total = 26,306,313
Total Level: 2087 (Folk Tails)
Do you meet all of our entry requirements: Yes
What are your current and future goals in RuneScape: 2k tob kc, 2k cm CoX kc, and all slayer pets
How often do you play: Few hours a day. On mobile while in class or at the library, on my laptop at home.
Do you agree to join our Discord server (Rule #17): Yes.
Why do you want to join SlayStars: I want an active clan to pvm with. Predominately tob or Cox, but i'm alright with afking some godwars or corp while skilling on my other accounts. I also really enjoy pvp.
Why should we accept your application: I'm a dedicated player with several high level accounts
max med - Folk Tails | 2k+ total, diary cape, 99slayer, all prayers and untradeables
max combat - Jeff Back | soon to be 2k total, quest cape, 99slayer, all prayers and untradeables (mostly used as a rune dragon alt now)
baby main - Looty Bick | Max combat with 77prayer, quest cape, all prayers and untradables (also used as a rune dragon alt or a supply runner for Dolo Arma gwd)
currently working on another med - Ferry Tails
and an ironman -TM19 soon in the future. (TM19 is Iron Tail in the newest pokemon generation)
Also, I love to pvm/pet hunt. I'm also not shy to teaching members both standard CoX, cm CoX, and ToB on occasions, although I'd certainly prefer to go with other experienced players the majority of the time.
Previous clans - Reasons for leaving: No previous clans. Have only ever really pvm'd, raided with, or tob'd with good friends or members in WDR.
20-Feb-2019 22:57:19