• Time Zone: Central US(Work Overnight atm so around weird hours outside of Friday-Sunday where I'm off)
• Account Type (ironman, skiller, and so on): main
•What is your favorite thing about OSRS: RS3 player back playing OSRS for the 100th time. Just looking for the social aspect as I play with public on friends only.
Hey Gulf, Welcome to the clan! Please join the clan chat , go to your clan hub, green smiley faces and search Shatterdawn, we will get an official invite to you!
• Account Type (ironman, skiller, and so on): PVM, regular
•What is your favorite thing about OSRS: PvM aspect, I love loot grind games that I can play solo or with a few clannies, to me im not the best at osrs but its fun to me.
•How did you find us? clans section of the official osrs website