Hi folks,
Sorry to be this guy, but I'd like to put forward a heavy complaint about one of your ranks.
I call witnesses of Kybele and bun yteip who may be unhappy with being named, but are ranks and are witnesses regardless. Kybele who saw over screenshare upon request: the person putting words in my mouth which I hadn't said, and punishing me accordingly with no merrit and for no reason. bun yteip who gave permission to pvm via ranging due to not being a melee acc - rather than it being my idea and me breaking rules
His name is Cersky (as of 18/01/2021) and he has today baited me into arguing so he could have reason to ban me, which I did not bite at; lied about me arguing to other ranks, proved wrong by screenshare to Kybele from myself; allowed several cc users to flame to their heart's content and disrupt conduct of the entire cc for many tens of minutes despite his rank status (let alone his status as a player mod);
Over and over I was told that rules shouldn't be changed or broken per person: and yet tonight has decided that this is going to be the case due to me and me alone.
The reasoning behind this: apparently 75 defence is allowed for a ranger. At 75 defence you get EVERY ranged bonus in the game. Literally every one. I am not a melee account, and avoid raising my melee stats at all costs. I consider myself a med level, and am considered one by most of the pk community who coined that term. If my non-melee-based account has 85 defence, I have the exact same bonuses available to me as a 75 defence med level, which I was told by both Kybele and Cersky over and over is fine. This is absolutely absurd.
There is no difference between myself and a slightly lower combat med level when it comes to ranging, and I not only feel, but have offered proof on how I was treated unfairly not only due to judgement of my stats, but antagonistically - with Cersky literally lying to another rank in order to make me look toxic, look like a crasher, and look like a liar.
18-Jan-2021 04:06:04