In Game Name: Svont
Attack Level: 91
Strength Level: 99
Defence Level: 91
Range Level: 99
Magic Level: 96
Prayer Level:91
Herblore level: 90
CoX Kc: 436 and 41 cox cm kc
ToB Kc: 182
How did you hear about Overload?: Forum search.
What are your main PvM/Bossing interests?: Raids 1 and 2 and soon to be raids 3, as well as any other boss event such as corp, gwd etc.
Will you follow all Clan & Jagex rules?: Yessir.
Have you been in any previous clans? If so please list them: Renatus
If yes, what was your reason for leaving? (Only answer if yes to the previous question): became inactive due to some irl things becoming a bigger issue in my life however they have since been resolved.
Are you able to download and join our Discord Server? (This is required): Already did.
Makin’ Profit... but only a lil Profit
16-Aug-2022 23:38:08