Current RuneScape Username: Tiny Lego
ALL Previous Usernames: YamiKame
Do you have other accounts/Alts? RSN? Mini Lego, Tiny Yami
Time Zone: GMT
Total Level: 2277
Combat Level: 126
Summarise the first bullet point section of the Clan Rules in your own words: Dont be toxic, dont bring up dumb topics.
How many Clan Points do you need to rank up to Corporal rank?: 350
How many Clan Points can you claim daily on Discord? 6
Have you joined the clan discord server (This is required)?: Yes
What was the last clan you were in and why did you leave? (if applicable): Elysium very briefly before long break.
How did you find out about the clan?: the forums/Rsn:ShinyMimikyu
Typical Play Style (Skilling, Social, PvP, PvM): Pvm
What are your current goals on RuneScape?: Coll log, CA's, content i havnt tried.
What are you trying to achieve after joining the Clan?: find people to do content with. also want stuff to read in chat box
31-Dec-2022 19:23:12