Current RuneScape Username:
Chimp Pimp
ALL Previous Usernames:
Do you have other accounts/Alts? RSN?
(even if you are no longer actively playing them)
Time Zone:
UTC-West coast
Total Level:
Combat Level:
Summarise the first bullet point section of the Clan Rules in your own words:
dont be an idiot, be nice
How many Clan Points do you need to rank up to Corporal rank?:
How many Clan Points can you claim daily on Discord?
Have you joined the clan discord server (This is required)?:
Make sure you read the welcome channel when you join to gain access to the server
What was the last clan you were in and why did you leave? (if applicable):
How did you find out about the clan?:
(If someone recruited you post their name here)
Typical Play Style (Skilling, Social, PvP, PvM):
pvm, social
What are your current goals on RuneScape?:
learn more bosses, elite diaries
What are you trying to achieve after joining the Clan?:
make friends, learn toa
12-May-2023 13:18:32