Current RuneScape Username:
ALL Previous Usernames:
Do you have other accounts/Alts? RSN?
Time Zone: EST
Total Level: 2245
Combat Level: 121.75
Summarize the first bullet point section of the Clan Rules in your own words:
No Scamming, do not take more than expected or give less than expected. All parties should be in agreement and satisfied after any transaction.
How many Clan Points do you need to rank up to Corporal rank?:
Corporal rank requires 350 clan points and at least 20 days in the CC
How many Clan Points can you claim daily on Discord?
6 from the bot channel
Have you joined the clan discord server (This is required)?:
Make sure you read the welcome channel when you join to gain access to the server
What was the last clan you were in and why did you leave? (if applicable):
N/A solo player until now
How did you find out about the clan?:
I was looking in the clan recruitment forum and the name stuck out to me as a former WiFi name used during college. Rules seemed reasonable and play type seems similar to my own.
Typical Play Style (Skilling, Social, PvP, PvM):
Skilling until Max, minor PVM, need to learn raids
What are your current goals on RuneScape?:
I would like to max my account, grind out the skills and gear to get an inferno cape. Pet farming is a constant goal.
What are you trying to achieve after joining the Clan?:
I believe I have largely hit a plateau of skill I can learn on my own and think getting more active in a group sense can help push me to be a better player.
30-Apr-2023 02:34:40