RSN: Haalalbacon
Total level: 1882
Rs history/story/main+alt accounts: Played runescape since I was a young tot. Used to play in the NYC public library before I had a computer. Twenty years later, we are still here.
Account type: Main
Timezone: Eastern Time Zone
Favorite boss: Vorkath
Why do you want to join Wildfire? This clan appears to be what I am looking for. Visions, goals align to what I am seeking.
Have you been a member of, or recently applied to any other clans, if so why did you leave?
Yes. My goal in OSRS is to learn higher end content. Bosses and Raiding. I'm fairly new to raiding. I'm looking to learn Cox, TOB, etc. I am fairly decently geared, just need the metorship.
Do you understand that multi-clanning isn't accepted in Wildfire? Yes.
How did you hear about us? Just searching through clans.
13-Dec-2022 22:59:50