RSN: PvMKoala
Total level: 2028
Rs history/story/main+alt accounts: I have played rs since 2005 on and off with breaks . Lately i have come back from a 3 year period of playing an RS3 Iron. This got boring to i am back to join the OSRS fun
Account type: Main
Timezone: CEST (Belgium)
Favorite boss: Currently Vorkath but i still have a lot to catch up from the past 3 years !
Why do you want to join Wildfire? It looks like a nice clan looking into it on the interwebs
Have you been a member of, or recently applied to any other clans, if so why did you leave? I used to be clan leader in my old RS3 clan . Nowerdays i am only in their discord keeping an eye on the bot i created for them
Do you understand that multi-clanning isn't accepted in Wildfire? I understand
How did you hear about us? I found it in the internet
RSN: Memendemon7
Total level: 1501
Rs history/story/main+alt accounts: Played as a child, but really started getting in to it around 2016 (osrs). Quit end of 2018, just came back today.
Account type: Main
Timezone: ACST
Favorite boss: Uhhhhh does Barrows count?
Why do you want to join Wildfire? Looking for a community focused social guild to chat to while I rebuild my bank from being hacked while I was away, no I don't want any handouts
Have you been a member of, or recently applied to any other clans, if so why did you leave? Applied to a couple but haven't received any responses yet.
Do you understand that multi-clanning isn't accepted in Wildfire? Yes, indeed
How did you hear about us? Forums
I've been thinking to myself lately, "Hey, I don't like green beans that much, and I don't know why"
RSN: sf beast
Total level: 1854
Rs history/story/main+alt accounts: main and end game iron
Account type: main
Timezone: gmt
Favorite boss: nex/gwd/corp
Why do you want to join Wildfire? Seems friendly and variety of pvm
Have you been a member of, or recently applied to any other clans, if so why did you leave? Lack of pvm
Do you understand that multi-clanning isn't accepted in Wildfire? Yes
How did you hear about us? Osrs forums