RSN: Arden Lilys
Total level: 1233
Rs history/story/main+alt accounts: I’ve played on and off for years. I had an alt that used to be my main but I tried an iron and haven’t touched the other since, named Arden lilies.
Account type: Ironman
Timezone: EST
Favorite boss: Tempoross, I am very new to PvM though really want to get into it more.
Why do you want to join Wildfire? I’ve always wanted to join a clan and be more social and do things with people after only ever playing solo.
Have you been a member of, or recently applied to any other clans, if so why did you leave? Nope
Do you understand that multi-clanning isn't accepted in Wildfire? Yes
How did you hear about us? The Forums
29-Oct-2022 01:40:32