RSN at the time of application: Yusufova
Please visit us for a WEEK before proceeding with the application to see if it fits your needs.
Have you visited our CC for any length of time? How many days? Over a month, collectively.
Have you read our Code of Conduct section? Yes
Age group: 25-30
Why do you believe we will be a good fit for you? I've enjoyed my time in the cc since i've been introduced.
What kind of account are you? Ironman
What kind of events do you hope to see? No preference, chill with just about anything.
All clan announcements and organized events are made via our clan discord. If you wish to take part of these events and know what is happening in the clan, you need to be a part of Discord. Do you acknowledge this? Yes
Do you want an invite to our Discord server? Yes
What are your personal goals in game? Just enjoy the game as it comes.
What is your time zone? EST
Were you referred? If yes, by who? Hotsaucesam
Were you with, or are you currently with any clans? No
If you were, why did you leave? N/A
Will you agree to bump the forums intermittently? Yes
Finally, tell us a Runescape story.
I'm familiar with the game since classic, there's too many to tell. I'm extremely lucky on this game, this account in particular; so I'll use story time as a way to flex.
10 kc visage - iron dragon
1 kc bucket - hespori
36 kc magma mutagen - zulrah
43 kc dragonfire ward - vorkath
38 kc ACB - sara gwd
(3) hydra claw's sub 150 kc - hydra
1 kc mole pet - (fally hard diary)
I bring the BIG spoon when it's time for bossing!!
Nasty Hobbitses
25-Jan-2022 16:52:40