RSN at the time of application: Edgar Vask
Please visit us for a WEEK before proceeding with the application to see if it fits your needs. - Done
Have you visited our CC for any length of time? How many days? 7 days today.
Have you read our Code of Conduct section? - Yup, basically boils down to be a decent human being like always.
Age group: I am 29
Why do you believe we will be a good fit for you? You guys already have been, everyone has been so nice and respectful and I've had a great time chatting with all of the members on a daily basis no matter what time of day.
What kind of account are you? Main account.
What kind of events do you hope to see? Low level bossing/skilling or social events personally but I'd be open to about anything if I can do it.
All clan announcements and organized events are made via our clan discord. If you wish to take part of these events and know what is happening in the clan, you need to be a part of Discord. Do you acknowledge this? Yes.
Do you want an invite to our Discord server? Yes
What are your personal goals in game? My biggest goals is raids. I want to clear both Xeric and TOB
What is your time zone? EST
Were you referred? If yes, by who? Yes, by Cozy Shirt
Were you with, or are you currently with any clans? I was previously with Affinity
If you were, why did you leave? The clan was just too quiet for me.
Will you agree to bump the forums intermittently? Sure
Finally, tell us a Runescape story. So, I've only been playing the game for a little under 2 weeks now, and most of my experience has been via questing so I will tell you a little bit about that.
I recently did the quest called Garden of Tranquility and while in retrospect it's a rather simple quest if I had learned how to do the farming right. but considering how I did not, a lot of my crops continued to get diseased or just died, so I had to teleport inbetween 3 locations to make sure everything went right. For something easy, I was sweating lol.
20-Jun-2021 16:36:51