- RSN at the time of application:
- Please visit us for a WEEK before proceeding with the application to see if it fits your needs.
Done xD
- Have you visited our CC for any length of time? How many days?
Uff more or less than a week.
- Have you read our Code of Conduct section?
Did it & love it, been pretty annoyed with the behavior of some people in games / the internet.
- Age group:
- Why do you believe we will be a good fit for you?
I like the relaxed atmosphere & nice conversations I had in the chat & that questions that I had where answered in a very nice & friendly way.
- What kind of account are you?
My Skrawl2K Account is a type normal account ( no Ironman) & doing everything from skilling to PVM, haven't tried PVP until now
- What kind of events do you hope to see?
PVM Raids & kind of like Social Skilling events I guess, I think that would be nice
- All clan announcements and organized events are made via our clan discord. If you wish to
take part of these events and know what is happening in the clan, you need to be a part of
Discord. Do you acknowledge this?
Yes I acknowledge this
- Do you want an invite to our Discord server?
Yes please, if I am accepted
- What are your personal goals in game?
I'd love to max my Account, but at this pace I'm currently able to play ,this will take ages, but I don't mind ^^
- What is your time zone?
UTC+02:00 (Germany)
- Were you referred? If yes, by who?
Found the Clan Post on the forums myself
- Were you with, or are you currently with any clans?
Never been in a clan in RS
- If you were, why did you leave?
- Will you agree to bump the forums intermittently?
sure why not, so that the forum post stays active, right ?
- Finally, tell us a Runescape story.
Can't think of a good one right now, but meet some nice people here and there over the time I've played.