1. Your In-Game Name: MK VII
2. Your Time-Zone: MET, GMT +1
3. Your Combat Level:126
4. Your Total level:1713
5. Top 2 Skills of Choice: slayer mage
6. How did you hear about us? from henkleingeld at ge
7. We have a discord channel, is this something you would consider using? ofcourse
8. Why have you decided to apply for Outer Void? alot of my friends dont play anny more and im looking for ppl to do pve activaties wtih raids and other bosses , and hang out with ppl
9. Do you understand that we do not allow multi-clanning? yes
10. Why have you left your old clan? never been in one
11. Your main purpose for playing OSRS? fun relaxing and meeting ppl
11-Sep-2020 18:11:16