Are you going to be loyal to the clan? –
You betcha
Which clan were you in last, and why did you leave? (if applicable) -
I was last in a clan in like 2012, took a break from OSRS
How did you find out about this clan? If someone recruited you, please put their name here -
Simple Don
Name any rule except Rule 1 –
real-life comes first
Will you help bump the forums when possible? -
What are your goals in the clan and/or OSRS goals? –
Bit of in-game socialising, I'm back to doink some bosses n get me some 99's
Favourite types of events -
Not sure
Tell us a little about yourself! -
24-year-old student living in sunny Wales, big vibes with the outdoors and nostalgic games
Do you want to be added to our Discord Server? If so, please leave your Discord username and your four unique digits here -
05-Jan-2021 14:30:16