± RS Username: Only RsLogic
± Did anyone refer you, if so, who? nope, found on forums
± Total Level:1872
± Combat Level:122
± What type of player are you; Skiller, PvM, PvP, PvE (list any of the follow)?:
pvm, pve
± Do you understand the rules and the rank structure? : yes
± What do you want to achieve in the clan?
more people to raid and boss with, and hopefully learn tob
± Favorite rs memory: getting 99 magic back in 2010 by tellying to trollheim
± Favorite skill: magic
± Favorite type of events: bossing
± Are you aware of RuneWatch: yes
± Will you be joining our Discord? (optional) If yes, please provide your discord username: yes
± What is rule #2: zero tolerance for harassment and bullying
± Timezone: right now pst, will be moving to a new country in like a month though
± Veteran or new player: vet
23-Oct-2023 06:07:58