± RS Username: ArvinLavigne
± Did anyone refer you, if so, who?: Found on forums
± Total Level: 778
± Combat Level: 82
± What type of player are you; Skiller, PvM, PvP, PvE (list any of the follow)?: Skiller and PVM (interested in PVP but, lacking the confidence and skill as of right now)
± Do you understand the rules and the rank structure? : Yes
± What do you want to achieve in the clan?: Mostly social, but as a returning player from the late 2000s definitely everything I wasn't able to as a kid/teen.
± Favorite rs memory: My favorite memory now of rs, is being lured into the wilderness. (im sure back then I was devastated but it's a funny memory that everyone shared back then)
± Favorite skill: Love making money and combat, so slayer is something im working towards for that high level bossing/mobs
± Favorite type of events: Love any and all social events, im not too familliar with osrs ones because im quite new again but can't wait to experience them.
± Are you aware of RuneWatch: Yes
± Will you be joining our Discord? (optional) If yes, please provide your discord username: Yes, Dad #9173
± What is rule #2: ZERO TOLERANCE
± Timezone: PDT
± Veteran or new player: new player (with minimal experience when I was younger)
± Any comments: Can't wait to meet everyone!
04-Oct-2023 12:44:48