± RS Username: bumdiddydum
± Did anyone refer you, if so, who? If I remember correctly, yes, but that was about 3 years ago, so I do not remember who. I was active in the clan for a few months, but I have been AFK for a few years.
± Total Level: 1858
± Combat Level: 117
± What type of player are you; Skiller, PvM, PvP, PvE (list any of the follow)?: PvM, Skiller when the mood strikes.
± Do you understand the rules and the rank structure? : Yes.
± What do you want to achieve in the clan? I remember how positive and good-spirited the clan members were when I was a member, and I want to be able to contribute to that. Additionally, much of what has held me back from trying content in RS is the mindset of "I haven't done that before, no one wants to carry/teach me", so if I have the opportunity, I want to be able to be that teacher/carry for someone else.
± Favorite rs memory: Getting a BCP on my first trip to Bandos (including before EOC) with this clan.
± Favorite skill: Slayer
± Favorite type of events: Bossing - bingo sounds like a ton of fun, but I've never tried it.
± Are you aware of RuneWatch: Yes.
± Will you be joining our Discord? (optional) If yes, please provide your discord username: Yes - bumdiddydum#5833
± What is rule #2: No bullying, no discrimination. Be kind.
± Timezone: EST
± Veteran or new player: Vet - Started playing in 2008.
± Any comments: Thanks for reading!
12-May-2023 01:50:12