± RS Username: thundernutz6. I've, uh, been using the name for a very lomg time...
± Did anyone refer you, if so, who? No. (:
± Total Level: 1782
± Combat Level: 115
± What type of player are you; Skiller, PvM, PvP, PvE (list any of the follow)?: Mostly PvM, skilling as required for completionist things.
± Do you understand the rules and the rank structure? : Yes.
± What do you want to achieve in the clan? Mostly to have a nice community I can be familiar with again, with the added benefits of having a trusted group of people I can learn raids and group bossing with.
± Favorite rs memory: Probably would be getting the crawling hand pet around 2007. I never really saw them around since pets weren't so common then, and it seemed so rare although I don't think it really was.
± Favorite skill: At the moment, definitely Slayer and Farming.
± Favorite type of events: Community events like hide and seek are always a great time.
± Are you aware of RuneWatch: No.
± Will you be joining our Discord? (optional) If yes, please provide your discord username: Sure, thundernutz
± What is rule #2: ZERO tolerance for harrasment and bullying.
± Timezone: CST
± Veteran or new player: First account around 2005, on and off ever since.
± Any comments: I looked through a few different clans and I really felt like this one was more of the kind of fit I'm used to from the past. Also, I definitely wouldn't mind training my combat for bossing lol.
09-Nov-2022 02:34:42