± RS Username: TiddyPhuqq
± Did anyone refer you, if so, who? N/A
± Total Level: 1832
± Combat Level: 119
± What type of player are you; PvM/PKer/Raids
± Do you understand the rules and the rank structure? : Yes
± What do you want to achieve in the clan? It's always a pleasure to play and have fun with other people.
± Favorite rs memory: Buying fury 2.23m / selling fury 2.45m - Fally Park. Will never be forgotten.
± Favorite skill: Slayer
± Favorite type of events: bosses/bingos all the fun ones.
± Are you aware of RuneWatch: Yes
± Will you be joining our Discord? (optional) If yes, please provide your discord username: Yes and i'll give discord user in dm.
± What is rule #2: No harrassment and/or bullying of any kind.
± Timezone: Central
± Veteran or new player: Veteren
± Any comments: Just want to have fun with a good group of people.
27-Mar-2023 17:52:09