1. What is your RSN?
Alien Bubby
2. What is your combat level and total level?
125 and 2133
3. Have you read the clan rules? Please list at least 2.
No scamming and no discrimination
4. What will you do to help better our clan? And will you give feedback
I'm a pretty social and helpful player, love competition, and I'm always willing to give feedback if I think its constructive
5. Will you be willing to recruit or help bump the forums?
Yeah of course
6. Favorite activity in OSRS? (Skilling/Minigames/PVM)
Real big into tick manipulation, high level skilling, and clues, and love doing content with my other gimmates
7. What is your experience with Chambers of Xeric/Theatre of Blood?
I'm relatively new to raiding in general, about 20 kc at Cox and only an entry clear for Tob, although Dirt and Hyper Bubby will be teaching me soon
8. What is your timezone?
Pacific Standard
9. How did you find the clan or did someone recommend it to you?
Xale suggested it to us
10. Have you been in a clan before? If yes, what was your reason for leaving and have you notified them of your clan change?
Yes, several high ranking members who were the reason my gim and I like being in that clan in the first place all left in a less than favorable way, leaving us to want to find a new clan
24-May-2023 01:39:40