1. What is your RSN?
- Sodo Pop
2. What is your combat level and total level?
- 126 combat, 2277 total
3. Have you read the clan rules? Please list at least 2.
- Yes, no scamming, be respectful to fellow clan mates.
4. What will you do to help better our clan? And will you give feedback?
- Be an active member, help out clan mates when asked, and sure can give feedback
5. Will you be willing to recruit or help bump the forums?
- I could help with recruiting, but Im not on the forums very much so wouldnt be able to bump
6. Favorite activity in OSRS? (Skilling/Minigames/PVM)
- I focus on raids, collection logging, comp, BA, and wildy content. I do a little bit of everything
7. What is your experience with Chambers of Xeric/Theatre of Blood?
- 700 cox, 270 cm, 300 tob
8. What is your timezone?
- Central
9. How did you find the clan or did someone recommend it to you?
- Im friends with Shippo and Bri, heard about it from them.
10. Have you been in a clan before? If yes, what was your reason for leaving and have you notified them of your clan change?
- Yes, currently in a social clan that isn't very active. I would notify them after being accepted.
10-May-2023 17:44:29