1. What is your RSN?
2. What is your combat level and total level?
I am 105 combat and 1768 total at the moment
3. Have you read the clan rules? Please list at least 2.
Keep the conversations light hearted, no controversial topics
Try and keep the chat English at all times if possible
4. What will you do to help better our clan? And will you give feedback?
In my previous clans i like to get involved in clan events if I’m available eg bossing if my account is capable, maxing parties, unfortunately not on as much as I used to be but I like to think I’m very chatty when I am. I would give feedback yes
5. Will you be willing to recruit or help bump the forums?
Yes I would
6. Favorite activity in OSRS? (Skilling/Minigames/PVM)
I really enjoy pvm, I’m starting to try and learn some bosses like zulrah and vorkath. I’ve recently done a lot of dks. If I’m afking though I enjoy skilling in my downtime.
7. What is your experience with Chambers of Xeric/Theatre of Blood?
The only theatre of blood I’ve done is the quest for it, other than that I have no experience with the theatre. With chambers of xeric I’ve done one raid which was in celebration of an old friend maxing his account, we did a big 50man raid for it, I didn’t do too well but I don’t know the mechanics and don’t think my account is quite there yet
8. What is your timezone?
9. How did you find the clan or did someone recommend it to you?
I found it on the forums, I’ve been out of a clan for a while so wanted to get back into it and socialise whilst playing
10. Have you been in a clan before? If yes, what was your reason for leaving and have you notified them of your clan change?
I have yes, I was in a clan called Relax Hub. I left about a year ago as I got really busy and had issues in my personal life so I stop playing entirely and left, I still speak to a few of the guys in the clan but Ive not decided to go back as I thought I’d find somewhere new.
11-Oct-2022 21:16:05