Application to join FYR
1. What is your RuneScape name?
- Cody C O D Y
2. Do you meet the total level and combat level requirements?
- Yes, 1665
3. Have you been in any previous clans?
- No
3.5 If so, why did you leave?
4. Were you referred to by someone? If so, who?
5. What time-zone are you in?
- US , EST
6. Do you agree to all rules stated?
- Yes
7. Do you have Discord?
- Yes
8. What is your PvM experience? (Leave blank if you PK)
- Mainly Solo Bossing. I.E. KBD, DKS, Venenatis, Calisto, and others. looking to do some higher req multi pvming
9. What is your PKing experience? (Leave blank if you PvM)
Used to be a pure 1 def. Would pvp often. Recently aftere going to a main, I only anti pk when doing wilderness activities.
17-Nov-2019 01:36:45