1. What is your RuneScape name?
- P Cell
2. Do you meet the total level and combat level requirements?
- 1406 total currently
3. Have you been in any previous clans?
- Few
3.5 If so, why did you leave?
- Most of them became inactive, one also engaged in RWT so I left
4. Were you referred to by someone? If so, who?
- nah
5. What time-zone are you in?
-AWST (Australia Western Standard Time)
6. Do you agree to all rules stated?
- For sure
7. Do you have Discord?
- Sure do
8. What is your PvM experience? (Leave blank if you PK)
- I have had experience doing some lower level bosses, almost at a point to do zulrah
9. What is your PKing experience? (Leave blank if you PvM)
01-Sep-2019 13:44:55