1. What is your RuneScape name?
- Keen Icyene (main acc)
- Wuts a Drop (iron)
2. Do you meet the total level and combat level requirements?
- main acc is 121 cmb / 1983 total
- iron is 58 cmb / 782 total..he'd only be for social purposes
3. Have you been in any previous clans?
- yes
3.5 If so, why did you leave?
- The owner was a raging douche.
4. Were you referred to by someone? If so, who?
- no.
5. What time-zone are you in?
- Central Canada
6. Do you agree to all rules stated?
- yep.
7. Do you have Discord?
- Icyene#1797
8. What is your PvM experience? (Leave blank if you PK)
- i've killed everything that breathes, and teach chambers of xeric VERY often.
9. What is your PKing experience? (Leave blank if you PvM)
- I don't even enter the wild.
………. ¸°ˆ ›,……¸• ¨¨°¸ …Keen…ˆ¯¯ˆ¸
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',¸ ……'., ¸ ,.¬ ˆ ˆ ¬.,¸ ¸,.·´ … Icyene
27-May-2019 15:37:07