Fri - Sunny, high of 75F, low humidity, 0% rain chance
Sat - Sunny, high of 75F, low humidity, 0% rain chance
Sun - Sunny, high of 75F, low humidity, 0% rain chance
Mon - Sunny, high of 75F, low humidity, 0% rain chance
Tue - Mostly cloudy, high of 65F, thunderstorms expected
(just kidding - Sunny, high of 75, low humidity, 0% rain chance)
Forever a noob
Current OSRS Goals: Skilling, Monster killing, making friends!
What have you achieved in OSRS that you are most proud of?: Im proud that I have continued to find an interest in the game after playing off/on since 2005.
How did you hear about us? (If referred by current member, please list): Clan Forum!
30-Jul-2021 17:10:40
- Last edited on
30-Jul-2021 17:12:25
Abyss K0