Current RSN: KoA Cat
Previous usernames (if applicable): K o A Cat
Total Level: 1692
What type of account do you play? (Ironman, Skiller, Main, etc.): Main
Do you have other accounts/Alts? (Include RSNs if applicable): No
Timezone: PST
What was your previous clan and why did you leave? (if applicable): Knights of Aether, I'm planning on leaving as our 4 leaders are inactive and I am our Diplomacy Officer (I'm in charge of events and recruitment). As it stands I put too much time into the clan when our leaders aren't active and I'd like to put my usefulness elsewhere.
How did you hear about Winter? (RSN if invited by a member): I've been browsing the forums for the past few days.
What's the main reason you want to join us?: I want an active clan that does events together and is in general just social.
What are your current goals in game?: Currently I want to Max, It's a large goal so on my way there I set other goals as getting all my stats to 70 and getting my quest cape.
Do you agree to all of Winter's and Jagex's rules?: Yes, I agree.
Have you posted this application on the Winter OSRS Forums? (If not, please do so now): Yes.
09-Jun-2023 03:30:05