Current RSN: Spingington
Previous usernames (if applicable):
Total Level: 2146
What type of account do you play? (Ironman, Skiller, Main, etc.): Main
Do you have other accounts/Alts? (Include RSNs if applicable):
Timezone: EST
What was your previous clan and why did you leave? (if applicable): Hyperion, they didnt have people who knew how to TOB and that is my favorite content
How did you hear about Winter? (RSN if invited by a member): 1price plank is a good friend of mine, we have been gaming together for multiple years
What's the main reason you want to join us?: to do pvm content with an active clan, or just hang out.
What are your current goals in game?: tbow rebuild, i played rs3 for a couple years and came back a couple of months ago
Do you agree to all of Winter's and Jagex's rules?: Yes and Yes
03-Mar-2023 04:18:56