Current RSN: O7Charlie
Previous usernames (if applicable): C harrlie
Total Level: 2007
What type of account do you play? (Ironman, Skiller, Main, etc.): Main
Do you have other accounts/Alts? I have a skiller I haven’t played in about 2 years and an iron that I haven’t played for months
Timezone: GMT
What was your previous clan and why did you leave? (if applicable): Been in a few recently but not for very long as they weren’t for me, DM me if you would like to know specifically :slight_smile:
How did you hear about Winter?(RSN if invited by a member):
What's the main reason you want to join us?: social aspect/people to boss with hopefully.
What are your current goals in game?: I’d like to possibly one day max, and learn/do more bossing along the way
Do you agree to all of Winter's and Jagex's rules?: yes
Have you posted this application on the Winter OSRS Forums? (If not, please do so now): No, but I’ll copy and paste this straight away
16-May-2022 16:48:02