Current RSN: 3rd z
Previous usernames (if applicable): N/A
Total Level: 1758
What type of account do you play? (Ironman, Skiller, Main, etc.): Main
Do you have other accounts/Alts? (Include RSNs if applicable): 3rd eye high is my pure
Timezone: EST
What was your previous clan and why did you leave? (if applicable): smokescape, was too social no one pvmed and alot of the high ranks only played rs3. Was in logical some what recently too but the mentors would just yell when something bad happend. only 1 was actually a solid mentor that knew what he was talking about (shoutout neon trek)
How did you hear about Winter? (RSN if invited by a member): iv seen on forums
What's the main reason you want to join us?: Make friends, and become the best pvmer that I possibly can
What are your current goals in game?: been trying to complete zulrah log for awhile just need magma and pet, then maybe vork after
Do you agree to all of Winter's and Jagex's rules?: yes
Have you posted this application on the Winter OSRS Forums? (If not, please do so now): yes
25-Apr-2022 00:05:10