Runescape Name: Mindwhiz
Combat Level: 109
Do you meet the stat requirements?
yes in order 86/87/86/86/85/71
1749 total
Do you meet the minimum gear requirements (see .3)?
The only items I am missing is the DK's rings, however, once I gain some more funding they are on the top of my list of purchases
Any PvMing experience? If yes, please elaborate (biggest kc etc):
On a previous account before it was compromised I used to be a tank for a small clan at Bandos on the regular, while my kc is fairly low (in general as well as Bandos) on this account.s. I recently completed a 30 kill trio trip of Bandos with no SGS. I also have completed grotesque guardians outside of the pet have a few hundred barrows kc. I have a decent understanding of most bosses in RS
How did you find about us?
Saw you on the forums and you seem pretty in line with what I am looking for, I don't need a hyper-competitive pvm scene, but just a group of people to go bossing with, that I can trust. i highly appreciate the runewatch requirement to this clan as I have been burned by type of behavior that in that past.
Referred by an existing member?
Are you willing to stay active in the clan chat and bump this thread as well?
yeah, I generally chill out in a clan chat when I am online so that should be a non-issue
Have you been a part of any PvM clans? If so, name them:
Not any on this account, previously I was a member of a small clan that has disbanded since then and I cannot recall the name
If you have been in other PvM clans, why did you leave?
The account was compromised and then banned and between college and everything else at the time I couldn't rebuild until a year or two later and they had disbanded by then.
What time zone do you live in?
EST, however, my most active hours are late nights since I work B shift and overnights (10p-10a usually
Average amount of hours played per day:
4-6 hours depends on if I am working and or have prior commitments with my s/o
27-Feb-2019 08:10:56