Runescape Name: Knite of Ni
Combat Level: 107
Do you meet the stat requirements)? Yes
Do you meet the minimum gear requirements)? Yes
Any PvMing experience? If yes, please elaborate (biggest kc etc): I had an account prior to this that had more kc but I will only list what I've got on here.
100 Zulrah
47 Sara
8 Arma
14 Bandos
62 KBD
43 DKS
20 Skotos
20 Barrows
3 Jad
How did you find about us? OSRS forums
Referred by an existing member? If yes, who? N/A
Are you willing to stay active in the clan chat and bump this thread as well?
Have you been a part of any PvM clans? If so, name them: Was a member of Empire Clan up until today. That clan suddenly transformed into a pure clan. Not interested in any of that.
If you have been in other PvM clans, why did you leave? N/A
What time zone do you live in? Central US
Average amount of hours played per day: I work anywhere from 45-60 hours a week so during weekdays I may be online for an hour or 2 each day, weekends usually around 4/day.
10-Oct-2020 20:24:23