Runescape Name:
Combat Level:
Do you meet the stat requirements (see .3)?
Yes Sir!
Do you meet the minimum gear requirements (see .3)?
Yes everything without Archers (i)
Any PvMing experience? If yes, please elaborate (biggest kc etc):
I can pretty much do any boss, without Tob.
Cox kc - 36
im banging out 99 slayer atm, so havent focused to much on bossing yet.
How did you find about us?
Iron bird10 found me ingame, and we had a talk.
Referred by an existing member? If yes, who?
Iron bird10
Are you willing to stay active in the clan chat and bump this thread as well?
For sure, im a active player + im looking forward to help the clan out.
Have you been a part of any PvM clans? If so, name them:
Not rly, i was in 07Norge, the biggest norwegian clan.
If you have been in other PvM clans, why did you leave?
Tbh i left for this clan, i was there for like 1,5 years. And im down to like work with a new clan, and help out a new clan that is recruiting.
What time zone do you live in?
Norway (GMT+2)
Average amount of hours played per day:
all from 2-10. Deppends on school, and if im going home to my parents place.
From Kasper // F14
10-Sep-2020 22:35:03