Runescape Name:
- Simply Chris
Combat Level:
Do you meet the stat requirements (see .3)?
- Yes
Do you meet the minimum gear requirements (see .3)?
- Yes
Any PvMing experience? If yes, please elaborate (biggest kc etc):
- I've done pretty much everything pre-release of CoX. I stopped playing prior to the release of raids, and have recently started playing again.
How did you find about us?
- Scrolling through forums.
Referred by an existing member? If yes, who?
- N/A
Are you willing to stay active in the clan chat and bump this thread as well?
- Absolutely!
Have you been a part of any PvM clans? If so, name them:
- I've been a part of a few small ones prior to taking my hiatus, but I can't remember for the life of me the names.
If you have been in other PvM clans, why did you leave?
- Typical reasons, from them not being very active, immaturity among the members, and taking my break.
What time zone do you live in?
- I am currently deployed, so I'm currently in Eastern African Time. (UTC +3.00) But stateside, I am in the Mountain Time Zone.
Average amount of hours played per day
- During the week, between 6-8 hours depending on work, weekends I usually spend as much time as I'm able to, so between 10-12 hours if not more.
04-Jun-2020 15:14:56