Runescape Name: Miseryyyy
Combat Level: 105.5
Do you meet the stat requirements (see .3)? No, I'm 80 att 90 str 81 def 85 hp but 105 combat and working on it!
Do you meet the minimum gear requirements (see .3)? The only thing I don't have is barrows gloves yet, but im still questing!
Any PvMing experience? If yes, please elaborate (biggest kc etc): max combat on rs3, I was max on rs2, used to do lots of gwd including nex
How did you find about us? forums
Referred by an existing member? If yes, who? no
Are you willing to stay active in the clan chat and bump this thread as well? yes
Have you been a part of any PvM clans? If so, name them: social clan not a pvm clan
If you have been in other PvM clans, why did you leave? left social clan cause no bossing
What time zone do you live in? EST
Average amount of hours played per day: 6
24-Mar-2020 00:39:55