What is your in-game name?
- My in-game name is LongSnapper
What is your current total level?
- My current total level is 2187
What type of account are you? (Ironman/Normal)
- I have a Normal-type of account.
What are some of your current RS goals?
- My current RS goals are to max my account at 2277 Total and Quest Cape
What timezone are you in?
My current timezone is Eastern United States.
How'd you find out about FOH? (Forums/Friends/Tinder)
I have known about FOH for awhile, as I used to be in it, I have also found FOH on Twitter/Forums
If you were referred by a friend, who?
I am good friends with Nancyy as well.
On average, how many hours do you play a week?
I try to play around 10-20 Hours a week, more currently, as I am working from home due to the pandemic.
Have you joined the discord server yet? (Invite link: https://discord.gg/maTgPa4)
Yes, I have. My name is LongSnapper - Nolan.