-What is your in-game name? TE Ravi, changing it back to TRIHARD RAVI shortly
-What is your current total level? 2197
-What type of account are you? (Ironman/Normal) normie
-What are some of your current RS goals? Maxing, Olmlet on the alt, making money
-What timezone are you in? US East
-How'd you find out about FOH? (Forums/Friends/Tinder) Forums
-If you were referred by a friend, who? N/A
-On average, how many hours do you play a week? 40
-Have you joined the discord server yet? (Invite link: https://discord.gg/maTgPa4) yes
CoX pet - 52 KC
ToB pet - 214 KC
CM dust - 25 KC
Zuk pet - TBA
14-Aug-2020 00:16:29