RSN to be contacted on: CaptBartlett or Al Hasa (Iron)
Combat level: 125
Total level: 2167
Attack/Strength/Defence/Ranged/Mage/Prayer levels: 99 all with 92 prayer
Of the following, which clan are you looking for: PvP/PvM/Skiller/Social: Smallish PVM (~50 preferably)
Which region/timezone are you based in?: US GMT -5
Brief introduction:
Hey I'm Capt. I'm looking for a smallish PvM clan to join. I've been a part of a social clan for a long time now, and while we do have a PvM scene, most of the better members have joined PVM clans and prioritize raiding with their PVM clans over us for ranks. I joined one of them with the most members from our clan, but it was just too big for me. I considered joining a more elite clan, but after talking to friends in two of the more prominent clans I decided against it. I'm looking for a clan that's small enough for everyone to know each other, but large enough to find teams at most hours.
I have 1164 Chambers and 75 TOB kc, and I have experience teaching both. I was on a competitive team for the first TOB completion (several <2% wipes on p3 Verzik), and am getting back into the group PVM scene after focusing on solo content for a good long while.
18-Mar-2020 17:07:04