RSN to be contacted on:
Combat level:
Total level:
Attack/Strength/Defence/Ranged/Mage/Prayer levels:
97/99/ 97/ 99/ 99 /77
Of the following, which clan are you looking for: PvP/PvM/Skiller/Social:
Which region/timezone are you based in?:
Brief introduction:
It's helpful for clans to learn about your playing habits/clan history/usual availability etc
Been in primal and quality, both pvm clans but not efficient when it comes to raiding and stuff. I have over 930 kc at Cox. I just lost 3b staking sadly. I am determined to make my gp back this summer. If you like raiding or any type of money making pvm and your chill and fun but also good at it, bring me along for the ride. Id enjoy a team of people looking to grind and help others out, when i get the money Id also be worth teaching TOB for anyone who wants a determined player with them. currently at around 60m / 3000m but plenty of time left and raids luck has been bad. I am a very chill person, and I also stream here and there @Jt_finesse on twitch, so Im trying to be a good member of this rs society. I play whenever I can, normally work mornings so afternoon and night Im on!
Thanks and just add me or look for me in my cc, shoot me a message for sure! if you can message on runescape website do that! discord is Jt_Finesse#9185
14-May-2019 06:07:01