Intro format:
RSN to be contacted on: getaclue
Combat level: lv 58
Total level: 295
Attack/Strength/Defence/Ranged/Mage/Prayer levels: 41 atk, 80 str, 1 def, 80 range, 75 hp
Of the following, which clan are you looking for: PvP/PvM/Skiller/Social: PVP plan! Mainly f2p pking.
Which region/timezone are you based in?: Australia.
Brief introduction:
Im an experienced pker, solo and with clans. Back into pking after years away. I want to get into an active f2p pking clan.
I play each night and weekends so im always keen to get involved in clan activities.
I have a headset so can join chat.
16-Mar-2019 04:04:51