RSN to be contacted on:
Combat level:
Total level:
Attack/Strength/Defence/Ranged/Mage/Prayer levels:
61/62/61/63/64/58 w/ 65 hp
Of the following, which clan are you looking for: PvP/PvM/Skiller/Social:
Which region/timezone are you based in?:
US East, (EST)
Brief introduction:
Hello, I'm decently new to the game, very new to members. Have spent most of my time on rs watching youtube videos and roaming the wikis, so I'm more knowledgable than most new members. Did some f2p pking, looking to get into members pking on a different account, as this gets clapped at revenants. Also would like to get into castle wars. I also think it'd be fun to sweep out all the people at revenants, and do some team bossing when my level is more appropriate. I would be super psyched on having some people to practice pking with, so I can get better and not have to grind money making as much in the process (maybe through castle wars on different teams, idk the best option).
I play a lot. A large percentage of it is semi afk while doing school work, but am usually active at night and play pretty late into the night.
As far as my stats, I'm probably going to level range up to 75 next, then go for a dragon defender so probably get strength for the combat guild. (through slayer)
Also on discord, which I would like to use if we are out in the wildy.
02-Mar-2019 18:42:05