RSN to be contacted on: OrsoEspen31
Combat level: 38
Total level: 397
Attack/Strength/Defence/Ranged/Mage/Prayer levels: 34/31/30/2/10/19
Of the following, which clan are you looking for: PvP/PvM/Skiller/Social: Probably social, but I wouldn't snub skillers or potentially PvM.
Which region/timezone are you based in?: EST, GMT-5
Brief introduction: I've been around this game on and off for a while now (started in '04 or '05). My most recent stint was for a few years, ending around 2014 or 2015-ish. Was a fairly decent hand at all of the skills that existed. I quit playing to focus on my schoolwork, and just got my undergrad degree finally last year. I'm in grad school now, and despite the workload, I found myself back for the nostalgia and stress relief. I will probably be on most often in the evenings and over the weekend, assignments permitting. I'm looking for a group of people to chat with, and to help me with what I have forgotten or haven't learned yet. Perhaps to offer background entertainment while I am studying and fishing/woodcutting.
13-Jan-2019 04:26:36