RSN to be contacted on:
Lino Ventura
Combat level:
Total level:
Attack/Strength/Defence/Ranged/Mage/Prayer levels:
70Att/70Str/70Def/70Rang/60Mag/60Pray (Active player, lvl quick)
clan I am looking for:
My region/timezone :
UTC+1, Brussels, Belgium.
Brief introduction:
I've been playing this game for 14 years, from 2004 until now. I have grown up with this game and have a lot of in-game knowledge. I have had periods that I didn't play, Had a lot of different accounts. but have been active again since 2-3 months ago. I level quickly because I calculate the fastest and best methods and because I play a lot. I' am looking for a clan that is social, not to big of a clan, Pvming, Pking together, minigames, etc.. If you have such a clan you contact me by my in-game name up above.
22-Nov-2018 01:58:46