RSN to be contacted on: Lancelot3rd
Combat level: 103
Total level: 1458
Attack/Strength/Defence/Ranged/Mage/Prayer levels: 82/84/80/77/80/73
Of the following, which clan are you looking for: PvP/PvM/Skiller/Social: Social/ PVM/ Mature
Which region/timezone are you based in?: USA Eastern Standard Timezone.
Brief introduction: I'm nearly 29, father of 2 boys (one who is a week old so there goes what playtime I did have) and I've been playing Runescape on and off for about....15ish years. I came back when I heard about OSRS mobile and such, so I have much more time on my phone than my laptop but since coming back there are a million new things I don't understand and I'm used to RS3 for most of my combat and playing techniques obviously. (Not EoC RS3 just....RS3 legacy I guess...I understood the map, monsters, where to go for everything etc)
I'm looking for a clan who doesn't expect me to be on every single day, but can also help me with any kind of noob questions I can come up with like 'Where do I kill Iron Dragons because I can't teleport with my ferocious ring to duradel's dungeon and kill them?'
I will join a Discord if you have one, but I'm not in PvP at all. PVM I wouldn't mind -IF- I could figure out how to actually kill bosses lol. (I tend to panic in high risk situations). So mostly I just skill....Slayer all day, and then randomly train skills that need to be worked on.
Thanks for reading!
12-Oct-2018 20:53:49