Intro format:
RSN to be contacted on: Hitmonchans
Combat level: 123
Total level: 1930
Hitpoints/Attack/Strength/Defence/Ranged/Mage/Prayer levels:
Of the following, which clan are you looking for: PvP/PvM/Skiller/Social:
Social/PVM/ a little PVP/Raids1&2
Which region/timezone are you based in?:
Brief introduction:
I'm Hitmonchans, I'm 25 years old and live in Kentucky, USA, started in about 01, and more recently created this account about two years ago. I play with some friends who are about the same level. I have near max gear in every class besides magic. (excluding twisted bow and elysian, not that loaded). I am looking for a clan to do raids/raids 2/PVM/PVP. I am not strongly fit for PKing, but would be willing to participate if the clan wanted to do so. I'm a pretty social guy and also work and am married IRL, so as far as strict timelines go for PVM/PVP, I can't guarantee I will always be able to join, but will do my best to let people know well enough beforehand. I have quest cape, and good experience in nearly every boss. My raids 1 completions are a little low, mainly from not having a clan to do them with.
09-Jun-2018 02:53:06