RSN to be contacted on:Cold i
Combat level:78
Total level:900
Attack/Strength/Defence/Ranged/Mage/Prayer levels:42/57/42/88/60/45
Of the following, which clan are you looking for: PvP/PvM/Skiller/Social:
A social one with interest to do other things.
Which region/timezone are you based in?: GMT +2
Brief introduction:
It's helpful for clans to learn about your playing habits/clan history/usual availability etc
Soooo that would be my first clan in OSRS. Why I've taken that path? Well honestly, I can't find anything to play anymore these days and maybe I'm getting old so I'm going back to my roots and just chillax in rs. I've been inactive for quite sometime , occasionally like 3-4 times a year play a little more intensely but then leave again. The reason behind this? Well, my community I was once part of has died. People I knew left and strolled into different paths in life , some stayed a little longer , some were gone forever. So, presumably social activity filled with kinks , laughter and other free flights into the unexpected are the nectar I'm living off in such games.
29-Mar-2018 18:55:11