Of the following, which clan are you looking for: PvP/PvM/Skiller/Social: Any (mostly PvM)
Which region/timezone are you based in?: Pacific Standard Time (GMT-8)
Brief introduction: I'm getting in to the higher levels where bossing is possible, and I would like to learn how fight the different bosses. I've never been in a serious clan, and am looking forward to joining in one. I believe joining a clan would make my RuneScape experience more enjoyable and expand my knowledge of the game. I'm online a lot, and am willing to put in my time and effort in to the clan.
This is basically a disclaimer to anyone who has contacted this guy. He were removed of my clan for inactivity, reinstated and decided afterwards to scam a Staff member for 25M worth of items, and leave the clan without notice, and of course changing his name from Wut Up My G.
I'm looking for a clan that has some diversity but focuses primarily around PvMing and Skilling
I live in Denver, Colorado, USA. That puts me in Mountain Standard Time (MST).
About me:
My real life name is Jason. I've been playing RS since 2003, but just got back into OSRS a few months back. I am 22 years old. Usually play a few hours or more per day depending on my real life commitments. Anything else you wish to know I can prolly answer in a PM. Thanks!
Of the following, which clan are you looking for: PvP/PvM/Skiller/Social:
Looking for F2p Pk clan/member social. Mostly f2p pk orientated. Willing to p2p pk but im more of a Archer only, clearly lol.
Which region/timezone are you based in?: gmt -7 West Coast Clan Please
Brief introduction:
Long time off and on Rs player, only reason im here is to pk with a clan that uses team speak or equivalent to make calls and chat online with fellow clan mates. having a slayer buddy or doing acitvities as a clan would be great aswell.
Attack/Strength/Defence/Ranged/Mage/Prayer levels:
Of the following, which clan are you looking for: PvP/PvM/Skiller/Social: social>skilling>pvm
Which region/timezone are you based in?: GMT +2
Brief introduction:
Been here since 03... bored of everything. scape is life. pick me no ragretz
Of the following, which clan are you looking for: PvP/PvM/Skiller/Social: Social, Skiller
Which region/timezone are you based in?: EST
Brief introduction:
Regarding my RS habits - I play for about an hour 6am EST, and after work 7pm until bedtime. Mostly I skill, and would love to find an active social clan.
Attack/Strength/Defence/Ranged/Mage/Prayer levels: 70/70/65/67/65/50
Of the following, which clan are you looking for: PvP/PvM/Skiller/Social: Looking for a mix between Social and PvM because those are my favorite aspects of RS
Which region/timezone are you based in?: CST
Brief introduction: I've been playing RS since 2008 and just recently took a long break. Im looking to get back into the game and am looking for a clan to hangout and have fun in. Im currently working on getting stats high enough to enjoy the end game PvP content.
Of the following, which clan are you looking for: PvP/PvM/Skiller/Social: social or a skiller clan
Which region/timezone are you based in?: us central time
Brief introduction: its been a couple years since ive played but I just bought a years membership and want back into the action. Looking for an active clan, Adult clan preferably.
RSN : azzalon
combat lvl: 32
total lvl: 250
attack/strength/defense/ranged/mage/prayer lvl: 1/9/4//31/45/15
looking for PvM or social clan
timezone: CET
brief introduction: Played a lot in 2005 (though never maxed anything) and recently in 2017 i tried out RS3 for a bit. Just came back to osrs and it's been fun but besides getting murdered in wildy haven't gotten a lot of interaction with others